Welcome! We're truly delighted that you've connected with us here online. Your visit means a lot to us, and we're excited about the opportunity to get to know you better.

Stepping into a new church environment can sometimes feel overwhelming, but please know that we're committed to making your experience with us as warm and inviting as possible. Whether you're just beginning to explore your faith journey or seeking deeper connections, we're here to walk alongside you.

We look forward to the day we can greet you face-to-face, but until then, please feel free to explore our online resources and reach out if you have any questions or if there's any way we can assist you on your spiritual path. You are valued, you are welcomed, and you are loved.

– Lane Scruggs, Senior Pastor

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Sunday Service Times

9am & 11am

Where we're located

11263 Oakfield Drive SW

Online Services

11263 Oakfield Drive SW
Church office hours (usually)
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 5pm
[email protected]
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Sunday Service Times
9am & 11am