
Sermon Podcast

The ParkBench

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Sermon Series begins April 7

Letters from Paul: Titus & Philemon

The Apostle Paul wrote many letters which are included in the New Testament portion of our Bibles. Most of the letters that Paul wrote were addressed to churches or even a group of churches. However, he wrote four letters that are included in the New Testament that are addressed to individuals: two letters to Timothy, one to Titus, and one to Philemon. In this sermon series, we will explore two of these letters - the one addressed to Titus and the one to Philemon. They are, in fact, the two shortest letters of Paul included in the Bible! Being addressed to individuals gives them a different tone and, in some ways, a different purpose too. But they are no less valuable in hearing God's Word to us today as we seek to understand how the good news of Jesus is meant to transform the culture we live in.

Come and be a part of reading Titus and Philemon's mail in order to hear the living and active Word of God for us today.

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